Clothing appropriate for school:

  • Clothing should allow participation in active play (inside and out) and activities using tempera paint, glue, etc.
  • Shorts and skirts should be of modest length. Ensure clothing covers all private areas when standing or sitting.
  • Tennis shoes or rubber-soled shoes are best for active children and for their safety in play.
  • Please send appropriate clothing for the weather. Children will go outside daily except on rainy or bitterly cold days.
  • Cold weather clothing should consist of hat, mittens, and coat.
  • Please LABEL all coats, sweaters, hats, and gloves. Any item sent to after care must be labeled with child’s name.

Personal Belongings: Please do not bring toys, chap sticks, lip gloss, jewelry, etc from home. This ensures the safety of the children and their belongings.


Birthday Parties:

  • Please let your child’s teacher know at least one week in advance when you plan to celebrate.
  • Muffins, cookies, or Popsicles are easiest.

Parent conferences:

  • Three-year olds when requested.
  • Four year olds at certain times during the school year.
  • Kindergarten at certain times during the school year.
  • However, conferences may be requested at any time by the parent or teacher. Scheduled conferences must be before 8:15am or after 11:45am.
  • Parents may confer with the teacher by phone, text or email if necessary.

Please keep teachers informed about illnesses, absences, and when going out of town. Also, we encourage parents to inform the teachers of happenings at home which may be upsetting and may affect the child’s day. We cannot accept visiting children because of state regulations regarding immunization and student/teacher ratios.


Reinforcement of appropriate behavior:

  • Teachers maintain discipline with a group, through cheerful adult leadership in a setting of mutual tone and respect.
  • Teachers are familiar with behavior management techniques (i.e. positive reinforcement, clear expectations, and a stable routine with clear boundaries) that are age-appropriate.
  • Each teacher uses: (1) intervention by redirecting the child into another activity-where appropriate, (2) talking out feelings when the child is calm, and (3) direction through praise and encouragement.

Classroom rules will vary somewhat for different age classes, but generally are as follows:

  • We Walk (running is for outside play time)
  • We Talk (yelling is for outside play time)
  • We Help (we mind, we do our part, we are careful, etc.)
  • We are Kind (we take turns, we do not hit, we do not hurt others, we use kind words, etc.)

West End Kindergarten values open communication with parents; we are partners while resolving any issue.  Our intent is to communicate successes and opportunities for growth while educating your child.  It is imperative that each child knows we (teachers and parents) expect his/her best behavior and are working together on a solution.  Each day is a new beginning.

Your child will be sent home immediately for:

  • consistent classroom disruption
  • willful harm (i.e. biting, spitting, etc.)
  • not being completely potty trained (no pull-ups or diapers)
  • incomplete enrollment paperwork

Children displaying chronic disruptive behavior, which upsets the physical or emotional well being of children, may require the following actions:

  • A scheduled conference involving the classroom teacher, the parents, and the principal, to discuss behavioral issues/possible solutions.  A plan of action will be developed and agreed upon, with a follow-up evaluation scheduled.
  • If no progress has been made toward solving the problematic behavior; the possibility of a professional specialist should be considered.
  • Individuals with behavior habits that cannot be modified within three written incidents are subject to dismissal from the school. (disruptive behavior, etc.)

West End Kindergarten reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of a child.

Criteria for Dismissal:

  • Not observing the rules of WEK as outlined in the handbook/parental agreement.
  • Continual disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.  Please make yourself aware of bullying characteristics (see insert).  We follow Knox County guidelines.
  • Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children by a parent or child.
  • The teachers determine that West End Kindergarten does not meet the emotional and/or learning needs of the child.
  • Non-payment of tuition and/or day care charges.  Open communication is encouraged to handle any financial struggles.  If West End Kindergarten must cancel the enrollment of a child, tuition obligations would be suspended.
West End Kindergarten will make every effort to work with parents of children having difficulties in school and/or aftercare.

8301 E. Walker Springs Lane • Knoxville, TN 37923 • (865) 690-0900