Any food ALLERGY needs to be brought to the attention of the teacher!


· Provided in the morning and afternoon.

· Consists of milk, grain products, fruit, etc.


· If your child is staying for lunch, West End Kindergarten requires you to provide a lunch in disposable containers only.

· West End provides milk or water, but parents may choose to include a non-carbonated drink.

· Lunch bags are refrigerated unless otherwise notified.

· WEK provides plastic spoons and forks.

· Items sent that are to be heated in a microwave must be limited to a 30-60 second heat time. Please send these foods in labeled throw away containers.

· Foods like hot dogs and grapes are to be cut lengthwise, by the parent, to avoid a choking hazard.

· Lunches should be well balanced representing the basic food groups, and sweets should be kept at a minimum. (No soft drinks)

· Any food items that have been opened during lunch must be discarded per our licensing agent.

West End Kindergarten and After School Care meets all requirements for Licensing of Child Care and Environmental Health set by the State of Tennessee and Knox County Health Department. Serious consideration is given to the protection of the health and safety of each child.
Children with a contagious illness, temperature over 99 degrees, viral upset, rash, eye infection, childhood disease, serious congestion, runny nose, or discolored drainage must be kept at home.
· Some children may have a relapse. Therefore, before returning to school, the child must be free of fever, any vomiting, diarrhea, or any infection for a complete 24 hours.
· If the child should become ill at school, he/she will be isolated from the group, and the parent will be called to promptly come for the child. Parents will be notified of any exposure to contagious diseases.

If it is necessary for a child to have medical attention, the parent will be called and his/her instructions will be followed. If a parent cannot be reached by phone, West End Kindergarten will refer to the Blue Emergency card for instructions. The BLUE emergency card for emergency medical care must be signed by the parent and on file for each child. Please give us new numbers when there is a change.
If a child is injured at school, but not serious enough to require medical aid, first aid will be applied, and the parent will be informed when he/she arrives to pick-up the child.
Several staff members are certified in CPR and in basic first aid. At least one staff member certified in CPR and first aid is on the premises at all times.

If your child has an EPIPEN, the school needs to be provided with one for the classroom and one for daycare if possible.
It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the written request and medication is brought to the school. To make it easier on the parent and the teacher, we prefer you give your child his/her medicine at home.
Prescription drugs: Given in school must be prescribed by a licensed prescriber and must be brought to school in the original, pharmacy labeled container. The medication needs to be handed to the teacher directly. The container must display the following information:

  • Child’s Name
  • Prescription Number
  • Medication Name and Dosage
  • Administration route or Other Directions
  • Date
  • Licensed Prescriber’s Name
  • Pharmacy Name, Address and Phone Number

Non-prescription drugs:
Given in school must be brought in with the manufacturer’s original label with the ingredients listed and the child’s name affixed to the container. A written request must include the following:

  • Child’s Name
  • Reason Medication is Needed
  • Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian
  • Medication Name and Dosage
  • Administration route or Other Directions
  • Frequency and time of administration
  • Discontinuation date
  • Parent’s/Guardian’s Phone Number in Case of Emergency

8301 E. Walker Springs Lane • Knoxville, TN 37923 • (865) 690-0900